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Membership Info


Guests & New Members

Interested in joining our club?

If you are interested in exploring if the Rotary Club of Toowoomba North is right for you, contact us through this website and someone will respond.

Extisting members

Members are quite welcome to invite guests at our meeting.  Please let our attendance admin know before for catering purposes.  It is the responsibility of the inviting member to make sure that the member or the guest pays for the guest’s meal.

Inviting potential members as a guest is essential for the person to see what our Rotary Club is about, and also for members to meet the potential member.  There is a protocol to follow for proposing new members. You can ask the current President/Secretary or a Past President/Secretary.  Growing our Club in Rotary is one of our aims.

Club guests, such as our guest speakers at a club meeting do not have to pay and are catered for by the Club.

At a club meeting where a New Member is to be inducted, the club will pay for the meal of the New Member.


Meeting Information

  1. Venue

We generally meet at The Burke & Wills, Ruthven Street, Toowoomba at 6:00pm for 6:30pm fortnightly on Wednesday evenings. The cost is $34 (eftpos includes) which includes a one course dinner with tea or coffee.  Our meetings are generally 2.0 hours duration.

See our calendar for details on guest speakers or activities planned for individual meetings.

There are six Rotary Clubs in Toowoomba and other nearby regional clubs are Pittsworth, Chinchilla, Roma, Lockyer & District.

Attendance Requirements

You are encouraged to attend as many meetings as possible to keep up to date with what is happening in the club. Please RSVP for meetings for catering purposes.

See the ABC of Rotary’ for more information.


Duty Roster

A duty roster covering the next three weeks appears each week in the bulletin named Northern Disclosures. If you are unable to attend a meeting when you have been delegated as a duty officer, please arrange to swap with another member.  You need to email Laurie Corcoran your RSVP (either way) no later than 10am on Tuesday. This helps with catering and costs.

Meeting Duties


  • Introduce the Guest Speaker (try to obtain a mini resume over dinner);
  • Run the question time;
  • Arrange a suitable vote of thanks for the Guest Speaker;
  • Present a certificate of appreciation;
  • As best as possible keep the guest speaker to 20 minutes including question time.


  • Greet members and guests;
  • Mark people on the Attendance Sheet and then give it to the Secretary. The night’s Attendance Sheet can be found on the entry table.
  • Ensure visitors are introduced to a member/s to act as host to that person, and
  • Give assistance to any member or visitors that require it.

Rotary Information:

  • Prepare a short information session of any Rotary topic that you think members may find interesting.  The Rotary International Website and the Rotary Down Under magazine will have sources of information.

Trophy Donor:

  • Bring a gift /voucher (value approx $10-15) for a prize for the winner of heads and tails in the Sergeant’s session and prepare a short information session on “What’s new in my Life”.
  • Many buy a bottle of wine from the bar, but you can bring whatever you think is appropriate.

Bulletin Editor/ Note Taker:

  • Record an accurate record of the meeting and email to the Bulletin Editor.


Board Meetings & Club Assemblies

Board Meetings

These are held at a time determined by the current Board and are attended by the Executive and Committee Directors. Any member can attend if they wish and are encouraged to do so.


Club Assemblies

Club assemblies are meetings at which members monitor the progress of the Club. Plans are laid at these meetings with full reports from each director being presented to the Club.


Northern Disclosures - Weekly Newsletter

The Club produces a weekly newsletter (bulletin) and we call ours the “Northern Disclosures” to keep everyone informed of coming events.  Contributions of interest are welcomed from members and should you have anything for this publication, please contact the Bulletin Editor.